About Retym
We are a semiconductor startup that has brought together a world-class team of ASIC designers, optical communications experts and seasoned investors that excel at identifying and developing disruptive technologies.

Together, we are building a novel semiconductor technology that will transform the datacenter and telecommunications industries.

Sachin Gandhi
Sachin Gandhi is the Co-founder, CEO and on the Board of Directors of Retym. Sachin is experienced with founding start-ups from concept through initial funding to execution and acquisition and has a track record for bringing first generation products from idea to execution to product launch.
Dr Roni (Aharon)
Dr Roni (Aharon) El-Bahar is the Co-founder and CTO of Retym. Roni is an experienced senior manager and scientist with over 20 years of relevant experience. Roni has been managing large teams of engineers for Samsung, Intel and Huawei. Prior to founding Retym, he was CTO of Huawei Israel Research Center.